Friday, July 6, 2007

July 3rd - Lucky & Pozzo Retrospective

Timmy-two-hats here with a glance and a grimmace back on the first round of Lucky & Pozzo on Brady St. pre-fireworks.

By the end of the night when a soggy group composed of Rex, Kate, Ian and myself trudged into Rex's place, things had been fairly lucrative. It was a slow start, though not without highlights.

Even as Lucky, my aura of good-natured nice-guyness shines through. Thus, not only do I get to snuggle babies and kiss dogs, but I also get paid just to smile and look happy. Not once, but twice! Later my ass was bitten, but before that it was hung in the Roman Coin to the dubious enjoyment of some prick at the bar. Let us not judge the prick harshly though, he paid $5 to watch me flop on the floor with my nethers dangling in the air. Joke's on you smart-ass.

Backflips are such a popular request that Rex and I may learn how to do real ones. Perhaps the duo will perform at a local fitness center. Aside from that, Lucky me got to sing Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (not by request, just as a nod to Ms. Lauper), speak a smattering of poor French and a bit of excellent German a la Sprockets. A couple people even donated their dollars with nary a request. I suppose that's all well and good but a master of the performing arts doesn't really want to be paid just for standing there brain dead.

Well, maybe he does.

He also is OK with being paid to masturbate on a crate in front of Rochambo. Best dollar earned ever!
Finally, Rex can summon the most brilliant lightning & thunder you bitches have ever seen! That's all for now.

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