Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Rex Winsome Explains Everything

posted by R Winsome

On Oct 6 We did two actions on Brady street in association with Milwaukee Public Theatre and Buskerfest. First, we did a new peice, in which Rex Winsome explains everything.

I wrote the outline of a two hour rant where i cover, from the abstract to the specific, my views on why i do everything and anything i do. Then i rehearsed it a little over the course of the week, both in writing and out loud while doing dishes or riding the bus, then i stood on a soap box on bready street with a hat and a sign and recited the rant.

it went really well, talked about billy goats when some kids got bored, then their parents got bored when i got to billy goat capitalism. Politicians, dog walkers, families, artists all stopped and listened, a few bitter old hippies tried to argue with me, a sociology student took issue with half what what i was saying and i recorded the whole thing, i'll try and get an audio sample up on the website sometime.

here's the outline:
limits to understanding
limits to expression in language
scientific knowledge (superior)
religious knowledge (superfluous)
what is science not doing yet?

cogito ergo sum + free will
utility- self determined values
defined by actions
intentionality + responsibility

basic needs
necessity of others
maleability of others

historical development
anarchy - government

progress toward dissolution

as understructure of society and gov't
historical development
capitalism requires gov't
capitalism must be abolished

defined - violence?
historical example- feudalism to capitalism
preconditions of a revolution
1. obsolete old system
2. new system
-basic relationship
3. new technologies
4. old legalities

preconditions are met
1. capitalist excesses
2. creative class, art as mode of production, arts+entertainment as new product
3. internet
4. copyright laws

start in developed capitalist country
gain control of a rising power, ride the rise
theatre, MKE,

globally - citizen not consumer
directly- overtly selfish, use-value, honesty, emotional
responsiblity, challenging not coddling

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