Friday, July 6, 2007

July 3rd- Brady street and fireworks

Posted by R. Winsome.

Lucky and Pozzo hit the streets to raise a little extra awareness of Made in the Mouth and some extra funds.

Started off on brady around 4 or 5, Tim was Lucky, Rex was Pozzo. Ian and Kate were the thirds. I can't remember any specifically humorous or special requests, it was a generally successful brady street run, the weather was less than perfect so traffic was a little lighter than usual. Then we had an hour-long Alamo Basement Play in a Day tech meeting with Matt Richardson and hit the streets again.

Rex and Tim stripped down and switched costumes on the street, which was a nice way to get a little extra attention. So, this was the first time Rex played Lucky and the first time anyone but Rex played Pozzo. We walked down brady and then to the fields of people waiting for fireworks.

Things Lucky had to do: bite Pozzo's ass, play frisbee, jump up and down a lot, roll down the hill, roll back up the hill, a backflip (hurt myself), display the contents of the breifcase to a young woman, who insisted on taking home a few sexy Peter J Woods nudes, deal with a kid who must have been clinically insane. He got very excited, followed us a bit and then very very upset, to the point of near-violence when Lucky sang a long sustained high pitched note.

Peter J Woods showed up after a while and since Timmy and I was already rolling well with Lucky and Pozzo, and since Kate had run out of handouts, they started doing a autograph thing, which worked something like this: Kate approaches a group, chooses one as says, "you lucky dog, you are the one, guess what you get? A genuine signed Peter J Woods headshot". She takes out an unsigned flyer on cardstock and calls peter over. He says: "another adoring fan?" signs the picture, says: "don't bother me with this shit anymore, okay?" and walks off. Then Kate collects email addresses.

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